Respondent name
Colette Hodkinson
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

1. The projected requirements for new house building is based on outdated data.
2. There is no justification to release greenbelt for residential and commercial property development. There is substantial brownfield land available within the borough, which must be used before releasing precious greenbelt.
3. The overdevelopment which has already occurred in South Warrington has impacted adversely on air quality, which already exceeds the recommended limits as stated by the WHO.
4. The traffic congestion in South Warrington is already at an unacceptable level before any further building occurs.
5. Warrington Council has already committed to reducing the carbon footprint of the town, yet the proposed local plan is in total contravention of this objective e.g. proposed developments will generate much increased HGV and domestic and traffics and will destroy the habitat of much of our local wildlife.