Respondent name
Sally Dixon
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

? There are multiple brownfield sites within the Warrington town centre radius that could be redeveloped without the need of destroying green belt land.
? Nature implications - wildlife, amphibians and insets are living in the local areas, building on this land will remove their natural habitat and destroy their eco system.
? The local area does not currently have the infrastructure in place for schools, doctors, care facilities. There is no indication that this will be addressed on this plan in the near future.
? Traffic / pollution ? the area already struggles with excess vehicles / tailbacks when there are accidents on the M6 (which is a weekly occurrence) the addition of these extra houses will put extra pressure on the network.
? The proposals put in place will affect local residents mental health and wellbeing. They will affect the natural environment for many years to come. The green land will turn into a concrete jungle and the environmental impact will be irreversible