Respondent name
Peter Mason
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Objects to the level of development proposed in south Warrington. The South East Urban Extension has no provision for any form of mass transport other than the motor-vehicle and promises of public transport systems. The topography of the area that is ear marked for the South East Urban Extension makes realistic alternative to the car almost impossible for journeys to and from the town or journeys to work. The plan does address the already chronically overloaded road system in South Warrington. The bottlenecks of Stockton Heath, Latchford, junction 10 of the M56, Junction 20 of the M6, and London Road between Stockton Heath and junction 10 of the M56. Specifically there are no concrete plans to address the junction at Lyons Lane and the A49, or the Owens corner roundabout on to the A49, both of which, if these plans were to go ahead, would see significant additional traffic flows and further congestion. The separation of the South East Urban Extension from the town of Warrington is exacerbated by the lack of the creation of any new crossings over the Bridgewater Canal, The Manchester ship Canal and the Mersey in this area of Warrington. The plan will increase air pollution in already highly polluted areas of Stockton Heath, Latchford and London Road.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Consultation Process
Summary of comments

Events should have been held in south Warrington. The consultation was unfit as it did not allow a proper expression of views.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Confirms that Warrington has an urban capacity of approximately 11,800 homes that could be built on brownfield sites, the annual ?target? pre the 10% uplift of 816 homes. This implies that there is sufficient Brownfield land to support a 14 1/2 year building program. On this basis there is no need to release any greenbelt until sometime well beyond the first decade of this plan.

Paragraph/policy sub

Para 4.1.10

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

The priority of the Council should be renewal of the town centre and the development of Brownfield sites not release of the greenbelt. Releasing Green Belt will detract from this important aspect of the plan. The release of Green Belt goes against the Council?s declared climate change emergency. The plan is building the wrong homes in the wrong places. Warrington needs affordable homes of mixed tenure and the plan does not deliver this. There are no exceptional circumstances for Green Belt release. The opportunity to develop Fiddlers Ferry has been missed ? this site should be a new village built on brownfield land with sustainable links to the town centre and beyond.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The opportunity to develop Fiddlers Ferry has been missed ? this site should be a new village built on brownfield land with sustainable links to the town centre and beyond.