Respondent name
Simon Brookes
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

No justification for predicted growth, due to Covid-19 predicted levels of growth are unlikely to be achieved. Development needs resulting from presumed levels of growth do not take into account activity and opportunity in neighbouring authorities. Plan does not take into account wider issues of climate change. Impact of losing areas of undeveloped and will impact on existing issues with poor air quality. According to WBC figures on brownfield availability, there is no justification for scale of Green Belt release proposed. No rational consideration for impact of development on existing congestion issues. Some infrastructure only deliverable after end of plan - particularly unsound. Issues with waterway crossings not addressed sufficiently. Proposals will destroy character and distinctiveness of area. Proposals are not sustainable and run counter to national policy. Lack of clarity on delivery and funding. Concern over ability to deliver affordable housing in South Warrington. Plan will be undeliverable as it may affect northern rail links negatively, this will put extra pressure on the road system and infrastructure - there should be a pause while the impacts of this are determined. Plan is based on largely unsound data.