Respondent name
Susan Mason
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

Believes consultation process was not sound as consultation events were held in North Warrington and South Warrington is impacted most by plans. Opposes to farmland being used for residential developments in light of COP26. More focus needed on town centre and brownfield regeneration, not Green Belt release. Volume of housing proposed and associated vehicles contradicts declared climate emergency. Plan does not address existing issues with congestion/pollution in South Warrington. Green Belt should be preserved for health and wellbeing benefits.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Lack of infrastructure/facilities and public transport in the area will strand those who are potentially less well off in areas without accessible facilities to support their needs. The plan fails to locate those who need services most in the locations close to the town centre where services are available without the requirement for travel by car.