Objects to plan, particularly for South Warrington as there is no environmental impact assessment for the plan. Housing targets do not take into account Brexit and Covid-19 and should be reviewed. No consideration for existing traffic issues. Brownfield sites closer to town centre should be prioritised over Green Belt release to mitigate environmental impact of plan. WBC has a history of breaking it?s planning guidelines and compromises. Plan is motivated by financial gain with little consideration for local needs.
Objects to plan, particularly for South Warrington as there is no environmental impact assessment for the plan. Housing targets do not take into account Brexit and Covid-19 and should be reviewed. No consideration for existing traffic issues. Brownfield sites closer to town centre should be prioritised over Green Belt release to mitigate environmental impact of plan. WBC has a history of breaking it?s planning guidelines and compromises. Plan is motivated by financial gain with little consideration for local needs.