Respondent name
G Connor
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Questions why site was included in plan when a Labour controlled council was allegedly opposing it. Questions why consultation was called when the result of the SATNAM appeal was revealed only on 09/11. Previously told that Peel Hall would be protected. At Halliwell Jones consultation event - told that Highways England would object to any development due to lack of infrastructure.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Legally Compliant
Summary of comments

Not legally compliant due to issues with traffic, air quality, impact of loss of open space on wellbeing of population, loss of privacy, noise pollution, highways safety due to vehicular increase, increased flood risk. NE Warrington is scapegoat to relieve development issues in South Warrington - no. of homes proposed in area will create issues.