Respondent name
Cllr Wendy Johnson
Respondent Type
Parish Council
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

No justification to remove Thelwall Heys from the Green Belt; no justification for the scale of Green Belt release across the plan; no need for housing and employment land allocated; harm to local ecology and air quality; the plan destroys character and landscape of villages; no explanation of how the transport system can cope with more traffic; and not enough consultation.

Summary of comments

The draft plan will destroy the distinctive nature and character of South Warrington. Refer to objections set out in south Warrington Parishes representation.

Respondent Type
Parish Council
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The Green Belt boundaries were only confirmed 7 years ago and were supposed to be permanent for 20 years. The draft plan will destroy 1,000 acres of Green Belt including Thelwall Heys. Thelwall Heys performs an important Green Belt function in preventing the Thelwall from sprawling into neighbouring countryside.

Respondent Type
Parish Council
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

There needs to be a closer look at brownfield land for housing with priority given to brown field land development.

Respondent Type
Parish Council
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Object to the allocation of Thelwall Heys for housing on the grounds: Protects the Bridgewater canal where people walk along and enjoy the countryside and the Trans Pennine Trail; A thorough heritage based impact assessment has not been made; A wildlife assessment has not been made, a 2004 survey found that there were 32 different species on he site several to be high importance and rare water life in ponds on the site; Thelwall Heys was identified in 2004 has having special landscape status; the land was identified as Grade 1 and 2 agricultural land in 1995; the surrounding areas of the site are prone to surface water flooding this will be made worse by developing the site; and access via Cliff Lan/A5o would be dangerous as there are speeding cars and would pose a significant risk especially with a likely new 600+ vehicles from the site. Increased traffic would also cause increased pollution.

Respondent Type
Parish Council
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Object to the release of this site. Logistics jobs created would not be for local people and those who did take them wont be able to afford to live in the area and would have to commute in causing more traffic. This would cause more environmental damage and climate change.

Respondent Type
Parish Council
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Object to the site's allocation as it lessens the gap between Lymm and Oughtrington; it is highly visible from the canal and there will be an increase in traffic on Rushgreen Lane.

Respondent Type
Parish Council
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The site is prominent when approaching Lymm from the west and would lessons the gap with Thelwall. It is also close to the grade 2 listed Statham Lodge and near to the motorway which will increase noise and air pollution. Statham has had serious flooding problems in recent years and I believe building on this land may cause further flooding issues.

Respondent Type
Parish Council
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

There has not been enough consultation. Six weeks is not long enough and there should have been other venues as well as the Halliwell Jones Stadium.