Respondent name
Adam Briggs (National Farmers Union NW)
Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

Planning policies need to provide a framework whereby farm businesses can prosper and also be flexible enough to allow them to develop and meet the needs of modern supply chains and changing consumer demands, as well as in areas such as renewable energy and diversification enterprises.

Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

it is pleasing that policy states that ?The sustainable growth, expansion and diversification of local and rural businesses will be supported, subject to meeting other relevant Local Plan and national policies.?

Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

There are a considerable number of agricultural businesses within Warrington with a wide range of farming types. These not only provide food, employment and environmental output but are custodians of the green space which has enormous benefits in terms of health.

Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Farmers and land managers are uniquely placed to help provide solutions to climate change. This includes undertaking activity such as tree planting which will sequester carbon but also to provide renewable energy through wind, solar power and anaerobic digestion. Planning policy should look to facilitate on farm renewable energy projects and not act as a barrier to them.

Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

It must also be recognised that this green infrastructure also represents some of the most productive agricultural land in the country and is critical to domestic food security.

Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

There has been a considerable amount of development in Warrington recently at a time when more extreme rainfall events are becoming more common. These developments lead to a reduction in the water carrying capacity of the green spaces and increase the rate of water runoff from these developments into the farmland drainage system. As a result, even more pressure is being pace on the system which is meaning that urban water is finding its way into farmers? fields and causing crop losses. Therefore a condition should be placed on the developers to make sure that any development does not increase the flood risk of neighbouring farm land.

Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Much of the focus has been on delivering high speed broadband to towns and villages while farmers themselves still suffers from very poor broadband service. Better coverage is required to support farmers to maximise the opportunities that digital technology can provide for their businesses and to improve productivity.