Respondent name
Professor Robert Barr
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Modification if applicable

Our Green Warrington?s submission which argues that the Aecom option 4 along the southern part of the A50 would be a far less damaging area to develop.

Summary of comments

Supporting proposal from Homes England and Miller Homes is very brief and lacks detail of previous Garden Suburb masterplan. Proposal releases some of areas best quality Green Belt, questions why when there are areas that would be far less damaging to develop. Little in proposal to convince residents that what will result will be high quality places.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Modification if applicable

Should be replaced by a less damaging Green Belt site, possibly further south on A50.

Summary of comments

Unfair to release Green Belt as it was only confirmed in 2006. Evidence to suggest site is at risk of flooding. Site is high grade agricultural land.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Modification if applicable

Area would be best used as a Green Science Park.

Summary of comments

Releasing Green Belt as an employment area appears dubious on sustainability grounds. Proposal to allocate site for distribution and industrial use is unnecessarily damaging to area.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Questions effectiveness of plan with regards to delivery of homes as Warrington has never achieved a housing delivery target consistently at the level proposed within the plan.