Respondent name
Brooklyn Ltd
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Legally Compliant
Oral Examination
Summary of comments

Draft Local Plan is unsound as it fails to address housing need over the Plan period by Failing to take a positive and aspirational approach to the housing requirement (paragraph 16(b) NPPF); Failing to make sufficient housing provision to allow for job growth; Failing to make adequate provision to allow a sufficient number of affordable homes to be delivered; Adopting an inappropriate ?stepped? approach to housing delivery; It fails to significantly boost the supply of housing (NPPF paragraph 60); and It fails to identify a sufficient supply and mix of housing sites (NPPF paragraph 68) as set out in the Litchfield's report on behalf of the consortium of developers.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Omission Site
Legally Compliant
Oral Examination
Modification if applicable

Inclusion of a new OS allocation policy, Land at Clay Lane, Burtonwood, for up to 250 homes. This allocation will contribute to making the plan sound.

Summary of comments

In order to make the plan sound it will be necessary to allocate further land for housing and release further Green Belt land for development. Burtonwood is a sustainable settlement with a good range of facilities and services, capable of accommodating development (as evidenced in the March 2019 draft plan which allocated a site to the north of Burtonwood for development supported by full SEA of the plan).