Respondent name
Charlotte May Davies
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

In order for the local plan to be legal the council must get community involvement, the Residents of the Winwick and Peel Hall area did not receive notification of the local plan so did not know that they needed to be involved in the discussion of the plan resulting in only 10 responses from Winwick in 2019. This is an insufficient amount of community involvement and does not meet with section 1.1 of the Statement of Community Involvement (December 2020) which aims for ?community involvement that provides opportunities for more active participation earlier in the plan?. As the plan was initially proposed in 2019 but the Residents of the areas which it would affect were not notified the community did not have the opportunities as proposed by this section of the document. Furthermore section 1.7 states that the council should make ?planning decisions informed by local knowledge?, but due to the lack of community involvement there is little local knowledge gather by the council to properly inform this decision. After this stage of the local plan the ?council will take full account of the responses? according to 2.13 of the Statement of Community Involvement, this will only be possible now due to Residents being notified by the parish council but not Warrington borough council abou the local plan.

For the local plan to be sound it must be "effective" as stated in section 2.29 of the Statement of Community Involment. This means the plan must be "deliverable", however this is not possible due to the following reasons:
1.The field is in close proximity to the site of the Battle of Winwick which Historic England states is th only battlefield from the second English Civil War to remain in a good state of preservation. Due to the proximity of this historic site and the proposed building site in Winwick the building site may have been involved in the battle.
2. The Winwick and Peel Hall developments would push approximately 1500 cars onto Golbourne Road which already experiences an immense amount of traffic, this would make the local plan undeliverable due to the area not having the sufficient infrastructure to support this quantity of vehicles. The area would also become undesireable due to the further increases traffic congestion which will increas commuter times which contradicts the very idea that these areas are commutable to many areas. Even if not all of the Residents used cars to commute, Warrington's Own Buses unreliable and sparse service would not be a reasonable alternative.

Modification if applicable

To make the Local Plan legally compliant the Residents of the areas should have been contacted for the opportunity to be represented, then their views should have been thoroughly taken into account to understand what the locals want.
To make the Local Plan sound the Residents should have been contacted as section 1.7 of the Statement of Community Inolvement (December 2020) states that the council should make ?planning decisions informed by local knowledge?, as the locals were not informed of these plans the council could not have been properly informed by local knowledge.