Respondent name
Simon Michael Chadwick
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

I am once again appalled that Warrington Borough council are seeking to justify the destruction of the greet belt for housing. This was a principle issue for myself and many Residents in Warrington and through this consultation that view has been ignored. Please note that you arguing this plan has less destruction of green belt by size is not a concession or acknowledgement of this view put forward. This was about any destruction of green belt and this plan still proposes the destruction of vast hectares of green belt. I don't believe therefore there has been effective and appropriate legal consultation with local Residents and their views have been ignored about the use of any green belt land for planning. It appears the plan is attempting to justify the use of green belt instead of alternatives with further brown field or town centre regeneration or challenging the rate of growth especially given the prevailing economic conditions after COVID and Brexit.

Modification if applicable

Genuine consultation where the views sought through the previous plans consultation and this consultation are listened to and action taken to address them. To achieve this the removal of the use of Green Belt is required, it is appalling in this day that planners and the council seek the destruction of green belt to achieve housing targets and have not thought about Residents views or alternatives in the plan and protected Green Belt from destruction.