Respondent name
Warrington Action Against Inappropriate Development
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

The Government has now removed national housing targets that have driven the local housing calculation.
Therefore, all local plans in progress will have to be revised and calculations halted.

Thelwall Heys - Greenbelt cannot be released for housing without exceptional circumstances. Building executive homes does not constitute as 'an exceptional circumstance'. The houses are solely for profit, are unaffordable to 99.9% of local people and are not needed. In the Warrington Guardian back in March, there was a reported 1,115 unoccupied Residential properties in the town centre - these should be the focus of the housing calculation as they would be affordable. There is not a 'housing crisis' but rather lack of affordable homes -with the end of the stamp duty holiday, prices should decrease and become more affordable for local people.

Building more houses will not improve the affordability aspect as the housing market is not determined by supply & demand.

The traffic is a major concern around the town, last week the town came to a standstill due to an accident on the M6. Building more car dependent estates will only add to this problem. There are backlogs of traffic at junctions including Cat & Lion which extends down London Road - this is a catastrophe when the swing bridge is not in operation. Lumb Brook, which extends up down Bridge Lane - this will be impossible for the additional school traffic at peak times.

Warrington is an ageing population, who exactly are these executive houses being marketed to?

The air quality in Warrington is a concern. It has been previously highlighted by the World Health Organisation as dangerous and in breach of national safety levels - this is an ongoing public health concern. The highlighted AQMA's around the town are unlikely to achieve national air quality objectives by the relevant deadlines particularly with additional traffic from the car dependent estates.

From the WBC census, the local population do not travel to work by a bicycle and have no incentive to do so.

On behalf of the local Residents who are members of Warrington Action Against Inappropriate Development and the Local Plan Objection Group - we also do not want city status. There is absolutely no benefit to local Residents, the only gain is to WBC and developers.

The design of Urban Splash and similar developments are not high quality and do not reinforce the character of the local area. The estates are bland and depressing causing social isolation and do not contribute to the local community. There are no GP surgeries or schools being built in the 'plan'

Modification if applicable

The Government has now removed national housing targets that have driven the local housing calculation.
Therefore, all local plans in progress will have to be revised and calculations halted.

No greenbelt can be released without an exceptional circumstance - WBC cannot exploit this loophole to meet targets.

Paragraph/policy sub

10.5.1 & Policy MD-5 Thelwall Heys, W2, W5