Respondent name
Lilian Tickle
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

Living in Winwick for over 30 years, classed as a village. The whole village scene will disappear if more houses are to be built on green belt areas. More traffic through the village, causing more disruption and congestion. More safety issues for children at the local school. Already congested down Winwick Road if there is an accident on M6 as most drivers come off the motorway down the slip road and try to get through Warrington this way. Hold ups at peak times are already horrendous without having more cars on roads. Local village school already full to capacity. No existing provision for healthcare, GPs, or shopping. .

Modification if applicable

No modifications to Local Plan as it should not be undertaken as the proposed constructuion of this plan is ridiculous for more houses to be built in Winwick on green belt areas. Also there is a large electricity pylon in the field where houses are to be built which is unsafe for local Residents and a danger to the public's health..