Respondent name
Ben Jones
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

I feel the plan is not legally sound as the plans and what is being proposed has gone under the radar and Warrington council is not making enough effort to make what is being proposed more transparent and all information is not being made readily available to the Residents this devastating plan will affect.

I don't feel the plan is sound due to how the plan will devastate the village community, take away the identity of Stretton and the area and turn the area into a housing estate.
The area already has enough new "affordable" housing that has transformed the area and added more traffic to an area that cannot cope as it is.

I do not believe there has been enough co-operation with Resident to tell us what has been proposed on a more personal level.
Many of us work hard to afford where we live with one of the biggest council tax bands in the area as the council believe we are made of money, we are regular people working hard to provide a beautiful area for our children to grow up and thrive, but yet Warrington council has been building houses on green belt land at an alarming rate cant even paint and maintain the bridge in Stockton Heath.

Modification if applicable

The plan needs to be abandoned due to loss of identity of the village if it goes ahead.
There is no need for the amount of housing and the road infrastructure cannot be made better due to the roads not being able to be widened as of the closeness of houses to the roads.
Due to the Merseyflow bridge, Hatton lane has now become a cut through for many motorists making a lane that has a nursery on it a very busy lane and the speed some motorists come through has become dangerous, not to mention when there is an accident on the motorway, Hatton Lane and appleton / Thorn becomes gridlocked with waiting times on the roads of over an hour, so how does building houses in the area become a plausible idea?
Two new primary schools and a new secondary school that is being proposed will make matters worse as you cant drive around Stretton, Stockton Heath, Appleton and Grapenhall from 9am to 7pm daily, so how would adding thousands of more houses help the area?