Respondent name
Wendy Brennan
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Oral Examination
Summary of comments

This is an unsound plan.
My focus is the South East Warrington Urban Extension Plan.
Roads down to Grappenhall and Stockton Heath will become even more clogged with traffic. The A49 is already full of queueing traffic on many occasions through the day. Lumb Brook Road is a bottle neck at the canal bridge where traffic is often grid locked. Broad Lane, like Lumb Brook Road is just a narrow country road. Broad Lane will also be used as a cut through to Grappenhall, Stockton Heath and Warrington. There are often queues on the A50 leading to the Latchford swing bridge. Planned road improvements to cope with increased traffic are only to help at the junctions with the A49 at the Cat and Lion, Lyons Lane and Longwood Road.
.There are no plans to ease traffic problems over the Bridgewater Canal and the Manchester Ship Canal ie. no new roads planned.
What a shame to spoil our beautiful, undulating, fresh, green countryside used and enjoyed so much by the people of Warrington for walking, cycling and leisure.
Jogging along Stockton Lane gives me a feeling of being in a wide open space far from traffic and urban development. That will be lost.
Please remove the south east Warrington urban extension plan from the Warrington development plan. Use every brown field site as soon as possible for affordable houses.
Building on the green belt will just attract people who use the motorway network for work. Then they'll further clog up our roads when they travel up towards Grappenhall, Stockton Heath and Warrington.
Other points:-
i. The predicted growth of the population and predicted number of new houses needed in the next 18 years has not been modified since BREXIT and the coronavirus epidemic.
ii. There is no justification for losing so much of our green belt.
iii. There is no need therefore to harm our air quality, ecology and countryside.
iv. No need to destroy the landscape and character of our villages
vi. There is no joined up plan of how the already poor transport infrastructure of South Warrington can cope with increased levels of traffic.