Respondent name
George Molyneaux
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Legally Compliant
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

I have looked at the proposed Local Plan and have a number of objections to it proceeding.
1. We should not be releasing Green Belt land for housing at present, this should only be done after all other options have been exploited.
2. The road system south of the Bridgewater and Manchester ship canals cannot support additional loading from new housing and employment development. South of Stockton Heath there is only the A49 with two way crossing of the Bridgewater Canal, all others being old single lane crossings with congestion at peak times.
3. The Doctor and Dental NHS capacity in this area cannot accommodate such an influx of Residents and I did not see provision for this in the plan. The plan has a lot of general references to health but no concrete proposals on what where and when additional health facilities will be made available.