Respondent name
Arthur Stephen Bebington
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

1.There is no comparison with actual housing growth over the last 5 years with that which has actually taken place or under construction. Therefore there is no justification given in the plan for the predicted housing growth.
2.There is no recognition in the plan for the use of alternative heating systems presently being promoted by Government.
3.The plan fails to satisfy its objective W1. There is no ongoing regeneration of inner Warrington in these proposals. All developement shown here is in outer Warrington. There is little firm detail provided on strategic or local infrastructure. There is no strengthening of existing neighbourhoods. The plan only provides outline information on new neighgbourhoods.
4. The plan fails to satisfy objective W2, to protect the green belt in the long term. Substantial areas of prime agricultural land are being sacrificied in South Warrington. The area of green belt identified in the document is misreprsented with considerable areas of brown field land (old tips and the like) being shown as green belt. As such the loss of true green belt is being grossly understated. This plan is deliberately allowing Miller Homes to use agricultural land rather than brown field to achieve their desired number of dwellings.
5. The plan fails to achieve objective W3, which is stated as strengthen and expand the role of Warrington Town Centre and boost the number of people living in the town centre. This plan has no new dwellings proposed in the town centre and therefore absolutely fails to meet this objective. Change in lifestyle and increasing on line shopping has given rise to loss of shops and other commercial activities in the town centre, it will quickly deteriorate unless the town centre is used for other purposes, such as housing and education.
6. The plan does not satisfy objective W4 in providing new infrastructure and services to any of the proposed new developments. Any infrastructure discussed is to be provided post development. This means increased commuting to schools or shops to get services increasing car use until infrastructure is put in place. The present transport routes crossing bridgewater canal, ship canal and Mersey are not satisfactory and deter many people living in South Warrington from using the trains or the town centre commercial facilities. The developement in South Warrington is distant from the railway stations and no apparent plan to improve commumincation to the railway stations. The section of the development plan in particular is designed to increase the use of cars as a means of transport.
7. Objective W6 calls for the proposed plan to minimise its impact on the environment through the prudent use of resources. The proposed developments all fail to satisfy this objective and the South Warrington area in particular. All are remote from the town centre with congested links to it. In the Arup report, "Implications of Green Belt release" they continually justify the release of Green Belt with a comment about "the proximity to the Town centre conservation areas and the view point from the parish church" This justification is absolute nonesense when comparing the loss of prime agricultural land miles distant from what is in Architectual & Cultural terms a low value Town Centre.