Respondent name
Dorrine Tydd
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

Homes seem to be considered to be built of what appears to be flood plain, also the amount of etwo employment land proposed is excessive to say the least. What type of employment, more warehousing? More traffic, more pollution. Are any of the building proposed both homes and employment, will any be eco friendly, heat pumps, solar panels etc. There are huge warehouses being built on Gorsey Lane in Widnes, more pollution and traffic through Penketh which is already difficult and will be made worse with these proposals and if the Western Link road goes ahead. Our green belt will be reduced and you propose to take some from the Fiddlers Ferry site which is disgusting. There will be no green areas between Penketh and Widnes. This local area I think has seen enough over the last twenty or so years. Chapleford, United Utilities site, Burtonwood Army Depot and now Fiddlers Ferry. the people of Penketh and Gt Sankey have put up with the Power station and deserve a green space in return.More trees should be planted, a nature reserve to connect with Moore. Enough is enough.