Respondent name
Michele Saxton-Howes
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

A duty to the local area should proceed a duty to the cash coming into Warrington from developers.
The development of any town should be with consideration to the Residents, the environment and the transport.
The green belt is not an area that should have been started with, the development should have started from with the Main Warrington town centre rejuvenating and re using brown field and dis used building with compulsory purchases.
The new developments are not even attempting to keep green space, the development not designed around the trees that have been there years and certainly Not ?green? with no air pumps or PVs to reduce their Carbon footprint.
No evidence of enhancing the area with plans for schooling, adapting to local requirements for additional people. No, ? what do the local Residents feel they need?
No working with local Residents to really harmonise this plan.
A group of people sitting round a table making decisions for us all and not making it transparent is not what I though having a local Local Borough, Town or Local Borough, Town or Parish Councillor and a local plan meant.
The noise from the work in Appleton already intrude and this is set to continue.
I am ashamed that we are using GreenBelt in this way.
Explain to us why? Show us why the developers are not being pushed into Green housing , why their developments are not being scrutinised for the health and well being of all locals including new ones to the area.
Short sited is the overwhelming statement