The plan in Winwick is on Green Belt land.
There is no infrastructure in place to cope with the additional housing. The local primary school is already over subscribed and there is no option to extend the school any further. There is no doctors or dentist in the village.
The land in question has pylons on it and there is no plan to remove these. This would cause a risk to the health of anyone living in these new houses.
The traffic is already at capacity and the local roads can not cope with any additional traffic. Also any additional traffic would cause further air pollution to the Residents of the village, a lot of which are elderly. There is another plan to build 1200 house on Peel Hall and this would also add the the traffic in our village.
The population of the village does not take into consideration Winwick Park which has a large volume of housing. Winiwck Park is part of the village and uses the local roads and the limited facilities available. The children also attend the local school.
Plan needs to be withdrawn.