Respondent name
Colin Morgan
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

The proposal to remove farmland and woodland from the Bold Forest Park area of the St Helens Green Belt for the St Helens Omega Extension has not been justified in the Warrington Local Plan and its destruction to make a contribution to the Warrington
Employment Land allocation cannot be justified.

Modification if applicable

Modification to remove the requirement for the St Helens Omega Extension from the Warrington Local Plan. This proposal has not been justified and cannot be justified as required - as explained in the attached document - so its removal is required to make the Local Plan sound.

Summary of comments

There is no justification given in the Local Plan for the St Helens Omega Extension land to be taken from the St Helens Green Belt. In addition, this representation argues that no justification of 'very special circumstances'
- as required for removal of this land from Green Belt - can be made because the basis for Employment Land for Warrington over the period of the plan is unnecessarily high because it places too much emphasis on historic land take-up and because of the direct and indirect harm done by such a development. This proposal to develop the St Helens Omega Extension on this farmland and woodland would mean the loss of a strong, sound, long-established and effective Green Belt boundary; loss of good farmland; loss of a buffer to established mature woodland and parkland ripe for improvement; and the blighting with warehousing of a landscape picked out by the St Helens authorities for special environmental consideration and its recreational potential. There is no attempt in the Local Plan to argue that any benefit from the addition warehousing at this location would in any way out weigh the many harms done to the Bold Forest Park by this proposed development.