Respondent name
Erick Grillon
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

The objection is simple. For the last 10 years I have been in Warrington, I have seen thousands of houses getting built and it just made it worse. I have moved away from West Warrington to South Warrington as it became horrible to see more and more houses and no real infrastructure to go along. Apart from the leisure club, there is nothing for the teenagers and no more green land to walk and feel in nature or even simply safe. See Chapelford in the evening The schools are overwhelmed and keep building on the little outdoors space they have. It gives them less and less space to exercise or do interesting activities. It has been impossible to get a new dentist in all south Warrington for 4 years!! I have to drive to Westbrook and sometimes risk to miss the appointments because of the traffic. This is ridiculous and I don't want South Warrington to do the same mistake. Our council tax goes up and our quality of life goes down. Broomfields leisure centre is disgusting and inadequate for the Residents. Once again, we have to beat the traffic to try to use the Orford Jubilee for most of the healthy activities we need. Football, squash etc. Tennis is only outdoors and in West Warrington. Increasing the traffic flow. Warrington should now be rich with all the money made on selling land to properties. It's not the case.
Message is clear: NO MORE HOUSES! Instead more schools, more health services, less hair dressers, more green!!! The rugby pitch in Appleton is unsafe as uneven etc. I could continue endlessly...

Modification if applicable

More services. No more houses!