Respondent name
Lorna Gerrard
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

The plan proposes far too much land to be removed from the green belt. The plan assumes a far higher requirement for housing and employment land than many believe is actually needed. Once land has been removed from the green belt, it cannot be replaced. This significant loss of green belt land is not justified.

Modification if applicable

Remove, or significantly reduce, the proposals to remove land from the green belt for development.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

The plan proposes far too many houses to be built on green belt land. This will remove existing green spaces forever.
The existing road infrastructure is already struggling with the existing volume of traffic, particularly the A49 London Road/B5356 Stretton Road junction, junction 20 of the M6, junction 10 of the M56, the Stockton Heath swing bridge, and the Lumb Brook Road/A56 Chester Road junction, where the road narrows to a single lane to pass under the canal bridge. Yet the plan does not contain any measures to improve the latter two pinch points.
An additional 4,200 number of homes will lead to a huge increase in traffic and pollution in the area.

Modification if applicable

Reduce significantly the number of houses to be built on green belt land.
Add additional improvements to the road infrastructure at the Stockton Heath swing bridge, and at the jLumb Brook Road/A56 Chester Road junction, where the single track road passes under the canal bridge.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Evidence Base

Document: SE Warrington Urban Extension, A Deliverable Proposition,
Homes England with Miller Homes, August 2021

Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

Page 3 says "The Urban Extension will deliver in excess of 4,200 new homes". The number of 4,200 is far too many new homes to be built on a greenfield site. Yet saying "excess of" provides an opportunity for developers to build even more houses than the already high number of 4,200 stated in the local plan.
The community Recycling Centre is listed in the overall plan document (Page 197, item 36) but it is not shown on the detailed map (Page 9, Figure 3).
The area needs a new health centre, which is shown on the map (Page 9, Figure 3). The Orchard Meadows estate is being built now, yet the road to the health centre has not been built and I can't see the health centre on the current developers plans.
The Indicative Low Traffic Community Connector linking two of the roundabouts shown on the map (Page 9, Figure 3) is not on the current developers site map available on the internet - there are circular estate roads and cul-de-sacs being built there instead.
The site allocated for the Appleton Cross Local Centre looks too small for all the facilities allocated to it (school, leisure centre, supermarket, community hub).

Modification if applicable

The number of new homes to be built on green fields should be reduced significantly.
Page 3 should say "a maximum of" the stated number of new homes.
Include the location of the Community Recycling Centre on the map (Page 9, Figure 3). It should not be located next to any existing houses. The location should be identified before any new houses are built.
Ensure the new health centre, and the road to it, is included in developers site plans.
Ensure the planned local links and community connectors are included in developers site plans.
Reducing the number of new homes to be built will reduce the size of the facilities required at Appleton Cross so they will fit into the space allocated for the Local Centre.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

The local plan proposes to remove a HUGE amount of land from the green belt. This will have a significant negative effect on the local area - reduced green spaces, reduced wildlife, increased traffic, increased noise, increased pollution. Once removed, the green field can never be replaced. It is not properly justified.
It is likely that this employment land will be occupied by distribution and logistics companies (as proposed in the plan) which will mean a large number of HGVs.
The M6 just south of Thelwall Viaduct is already congested, and junction 10 of the M6 is already congested, yet the local plan proposes putting more distribution and logistics next to an already congested motorway and junction.
Due to proximity to the motorway, it is likely that many employees will come from outside Warrington, leading to little employment gain for Warrington, yet more traffic and pollution.

Modification if applicable

The amount of land allocated to the SE Warrington Employment Area should be significantly reduced. Green belt land should be retained as much as possible.