Respondent name
James Cubbin
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

Method of consultation. Scale of population increase. The merging of individual villages into anamorphous suburb. The significant loss of Green Belt. Economic growth. Traffic/public transport issues. Polluntion, air quality and drainage issues. infrastructure issues.

Modification if applicable

Other areas of Warrington (ie. Fiddlers Ferry which has latterly been included) namely brownfield and delapidated areas that are in need of regeneration should be the focus of housing plans as a primary. The erosion of Green Belt in the current plan for the reasons given is comprehensively the wrong direction of travel when these other areas in our locality are in such dire need of investment first. This has large economic, social and crime benefits over and above creating in effect a commuter town at the back of Warrington serving other cities.

Summary of comments

The sheer scale of the proposals in an area of natural beauty and in the middle of greenbelt just don't make sense when compared to the scale of land available in other areas of Warrington that are in dire need of regeneration and investment. In this regard I am pleased to see the Fiddlers Ferry site included although the vision for this area and quantities of housing seem very vague. There are many other brownfield and delapidated land spaces that should surely be the prime focus.

Irrespective of the scale and location of the development versus other options, surely the permanent deletion of the Green Belt and associated benefits of open spaces is hugely counter to the global agenda of carbon reduction, wellbeing and health. If the plans go ahead we will be seriously looking at leaving the area and bringing our children up in more rural settings.

The village feel of our area and the very purpose of Green Belt to ensure that conurbations don't merge into one large rolling suburb will be lost forever if these plans are approved.

The plans make us very sad in current form. It is such a shame what is happening and the way that it is seemingly being brought to us. I hope that the critical points in my note here and the attachment provided will play a part in a more practical and sustainable plan being formed.