Respondent name
Alan Heywood
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

I previously objected on the grounds that all the road routes into Warrington centre cross the Manchester Ship Canal and the river Mersey. All local crossings of the Manchester Ship Canal are via aging and it appears neglected swing bridges. Peel Ports the organisation responsible for the upkeep of these crossings have 'promised' to repaint these bridges for at least the last 3 years without any progress.
The planned increase in traffic due to the housing provisions to the south of Warrington will, in my opinion, lead to increased traffic through Stockton Heath and Grappenhall, these roads are already extemely busy at certain times in the day. Any holdups over the Thelwall Viaduct on the M6 invariably leave these same roads gridlocked.
I do not believe that the revised plan is any better than the previous one with much green belt land under threat.