Respondent name
Kate Fleetwood
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

I do not believe the plan is legally compliant as:

1. The plan does not clearly show how the infrastructure will meet the demands of the 100?s of new Residents proposed
2. ?Warrington?s Green Belt fulfils an important role in ensuring the separation of Warrington from neighbouring towns and cities and preventing urban sprawl extending into the countryside.? And green belt should only be built on in ?exceptional circumstances? of which this is not one- building so close to stockton Heath and surrounding areas will ruin the village due to over capacity in schools/ hospitals making it a less desirable place to live. Also, not halting this urban sprawl will leave the same proposal in the 10 years post this plan- I think it would be responsible for the council to show the percentage of green belt that has been built on in the preceding 10/20 years to show their is not a trend- which there will undoubtedly be.
3. It forgoes the councils duty of care to put plans in place to enable such growth without enabling the supporting infrastructure
4. Parking will be an issue throughout the villages that surround Warrington

Modification if applicable

No green belt land between Stockton lane and grappenhall should be built on due to its proximity to Stockton Heath village and the lack of land area to enable the supporting road structures, schools and doctor?s surgery?s to be built. There is already significant development within the grappenhall Hayes area which isn?t being supported with the necessary shops/ school extensions