Respondent name
Geraldine Leitch
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

I write to strongly object to the proposed development in Broad Lane Grappenhall as shown on Local Plan on the following grounds

WBC cannot prove the necessity to build so many houses on Green Belt land in Broad Lane Grappenhall.The land is the green lung of Warrington, a town which suffers from very poor air quality and is a much used by the people of the town and surrounding areas for it?s many public footpaths with wonderful views woodland walks parkland and many other recreational pursuits. Once this green lung has gone it is gone forever. The land proposed for this development is productive farmland producing much needed crops year on year. Where will this food, much needed for an ever increasing population be grown if this land is built on?
Again this proposal is UNSOUND and UNDELIVERABLE
No provision has been made by the plan to supplement the A49 and A50 with new major routes or getting in and out of Broad Lane All extra traffic created by the planned development would have to use existing routes that are so congested at peak times that total gridlock occurs at the existing crossings. The exit routes out of Grappenhall village are limited to two hump back bridges.
WBC have not proved how this proposed development houses will be serviced by new infrastructure, relying on private money to supply schools, a hospital, doctors surgeries, health centres and roads. These may all be supplied by the developers as part of a plan sweetener but how will they be staffed with the existing shortages of teaching staff, hospital staff and doctors . Doctors surgeries are closing in Warrington due to a lack of doctors. How are WBC going to operate these new facilities. No thought has been given to this logistical problem and many of these facilities will remain empty and inoperable again rendering this plan
The loss of acres of Green Belt in one specific area in the south of Warrington will impact greatly of the habitat of many species of wildlife. There is an abundant and varied wild life of the area.
Increased traffic by the new Residents having to commute daily to the major cities to work will greatly increase the pollution of the town in general in fact the plan?s over reliance on the car together with the increased number of diesel powered HGV journeys per day will greatly exacerbate the problem making it not SOUND or DELIVERABLE
The plan does not take into consideration the loss of landscape settings for the local village and the resulting urban sprawl in Grappenhall . It is a nonsense to say it is a follow on from The Grappenhall Heyes development as the trees were planted many years ago to safeguard and shield the green belt from that development.I doubt if this plan is agreed the sprawl will not stop there.
This plan does not meet the five criteria for release of green belt.
Check unrestricted sprawl of large built up areas
To assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment
To preserve the setting and special character of the historic towns and villages
To assist in urban regeneration by recycling derelict and other urban land
To prevent neighbouring towns and villages merging into one another
Therefore I submit that this plan is not sound or deliverable

Modification if applicable

Preserve the Green Belt