Respondent name
Peter Hodgson
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

The SE Urban Extension of 4,200 new build houses will create at least the same number of additional vehicles, this will have a devastating effect on our already overloaded old road network that crosses the ship canal. It only takes 1 of the 3 Victorian swing bridges to fail in the open position and the whole town will become grid locked.
The town is surrounded on 3 sides by motorways and air polution is an issue now, so 4,200 extra houses & the additional vehicles will make this an even bigger issue.
Building on this Green Belt land cannot be justified when we are all supposed to be looking after our environment and reducing our carbon emissions, this development will do the opposite.

Modification if applicable

Removal of the SE Urban Extension of 4,200 new build houses completely from the plan, in order to protect the local environment and its current Residents. Put in measures instead to improve the green belt, plant more trees, create more wildlife havens. This would improve life for everyone and make it sound.