Respondent name
Anthony Paul Buckley
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

It is incorrect to say that the land provides a weak contribution to Green. The proposal will significantly increase the size of the village and thereare not sufficient existing services to cope.

Modification if applicable

Development should be stopped now or at least delayed until the Government?s intentions regarding housing targets are clarified.

Summary of comments

The closeness of the site to existing properties along Deacons Close makes the site unsuitable for development. Development of the site will have a massive and significant impact on our outlook, including loss of privacy (especially to upper floors) and loss of light. Inadequate consideration has been given to the realities of accessing the site from Lord Street through Abbey Close/Deacons Close. The construction period will create noise, dust and continuous traffic movements. It provides very strong amenity to the people near the site and to the wildlife that uses the land. There are unrestricted views from adjacent houses and from Croft CP School across the fields and to the spire of Christ Church Croft, Lady Lane. The school does not have capacity and tthere are no shops or facilities in the village. Croft has poor access to public transport.