Respondent name
Stuart Lawton
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

1. Infrastructure and traffic: the only new roads proposed just open up land for development. There are no plans indicated (and indeed explained during questions to your representatives in the consultation) about strategies to manage the hugely increased traffic across the two single track, weight limited bridges over the Bridgewater Canal. Nor sufficient details about roads within the propose development zones and the links to the current (insufficient) roads and transport networks. 2: Housing: releasing the Green Belt, in the quantities proposed, takes out of use prime agricultural land, needed more than ever as the population of both Warrington and the Country as a whole, increase, and may go against the spirit of the Agriculture Act 1947 to support the needs of the population post war. Further, all Green Field land should be developed prior to any further consideration of Green Belt release for this purpose. In particular, the site from the former ?Crossfields? works, which is currently up for sale in part, but, on questioning your representatives, they denied all knowledge of this land possibly being available.

Modification if applicable

I feel the wording is more appropriately developed by agents of the Council. I would hope, however, that my comments above are taken into account when any revisions are made ie regarding clearer and more detailed transport proposals, including the Bridgewater Canal crossings and those of The Manchester Ship Canal, and the prior use of greenfield sites before Green Belt (farming land) for housing.