Respondent name
Geraldine Simpson
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

There is no justification for the use of the green belt. Our green belt is the lungs of the South Warrington area and we need to protect it. To reduce it by 5% would have an environmental and ecological impact.

There are plenty of brownfield sites which could be used to instead and what Warrington needs is more affordable housing, especially for young people. Also, the town centre is dying and an injection of new life there could/would energise it, which would benefit the whole of the Warrington area.

Roads are already congested in South Warrington. More housing means more traffic and there is no clear commitment in the Local Plan for how this is going to be addressed, just sweeping promises that it will be addressed. Also, new houses in the area will mean the need for school places, medical places (doctors, dentists etc) and other supporting infrastructure. Again there is no clarity on how, and when this will be put in place.