Respondent name
Anne Stevenson
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

Uses green belt when brownfield is not being redeveloped. The plan does not show convincingly what the exceptional circumstances are for developing green belt land. This will result in the destruction of the landscape and destroy the character of the villages. Developing green belt will add to the global warming in many ways, eg loss of plants, increased carbon dioxide due to more traffic, emission of carbon dioxide due to production of building materials. This will put pressure on Warrington requirements to reduce carbon emissions. There is no explanation of how the already poor transport infrastructure of South Warrington can cope with the vastly increased levels of traffic. There are frequent long traffic holdups at peak times and this will be vastly increased if there is a hold up on the M6 combined with the closing of the swing bridge. In that situation the roads would paralysed for extremely long durations. The air quality would be greatly affected due to the increased traffic, affecting the school; pupils and elderly and those who have breathing problems. These new health problems will put more pressure on the Warrington and Halton NHS which is already struggling to meet its targets for all aspects of health care. The vastly increased population would struggle to access GP surgeries as the current medical centres are over subscribed. This is on top of the problems resulting in the huge house building and destruction of green belt in Grappenhall Heys.

Modification if applicable

Use brownfield sites to preserve the green belt which is necessary for Warrington to reach its reduction in global warming targets and improve the health of the people of Warrington. Stop the building of houses on Thelwall Heys, This is a significant change as it was not included in the 2017 and 2019 plans and which was rejected by Warrington Council in 2004.