Respondent name
Christine Healey
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

The Government are now saying no to building on Greenbelt but you have kept it in your Local Plan surely this must go against Government policy, Greenbelt is protected I am sure there must be an alternative in Brownfield sites. We have hardly any Greenbelt left in Winwick, there will be nowhere to breathe fresh air it will be so polluted with all the houses that are proposed and all the extra cars and traffic that it will bring. There is no infrastructure in Winwick, no roads apart from the ones through the village which are used as rat runs for everybody to get to work etc. Winwick is basically a car park for everybody who drives through, the A49 is log jammed with traffic day and night, air quality is affected.Once the farmland is gone where do we grow crops. We have no shops, no post office, no doctors, no dentist. Nowhere to walk safely apart from the A49 if you fancy a lung full of exhaust fumes. The local school is full we cannot take anymore children there or extend the school. Local roads are full especially at peak school times and they cause lots of issues with parking, we cannot manage with what we have now so adding to it will exacerbate the problem even more.
We have an ancient history in our village our precious and famous Church St.Oswald will gradually be destroyed with all the thundering past of HGV?s and other traffic. This must be preserved not ruined by more building on the land around our village.
This form is not legally compliant either due to the deliberately confusing way it is designed. I feel it has been built this way to stop the public commenting on planning applications. For example where do you find paragraph numbers and policy numbers on specific parts of the plan you wish to comment on. You need to be a genius to fill in this form to get your voice heard so in that respect it is flawed and should be simplified for everybody to be able to give their views and comments.

Paragraph/policy sub


Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

This development has been fought against for 30 years and should be thrown out. It is disgraceful that our council have kept this in the local plan. 1200 homes means at least 2400 more cars on our overcrowded roads all exiting the same way - through winwick village. Our lungs will be damaged. Our fresh air more polluted than ever. Our quality of life will be destroyed, our village swallowed up by development and pollution. We have no infrastructure to cope, no doctors, no dentist, no pathways, no cycleways, no clean air zones. This needs stopping now.