Respondent name
Angela Brook
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

Croft is a small village with limited facilities. There is no villlage shop and an inadequate bus service therefore most journeys are done by car & the roads are very busy. To build houses here would increase traffic, not only on the main roads, but also on Abbey Close and Deacons Close which are both very small roads. The volume of traffic and the environmental issues it would bring, would, in my opinion, have a detrimental effect on this small estate and on the village as a whole. There is also the issue of building on ground that is severely waterlogged in bad weather and is prone to flooding. Last but not least, we would be losing a piece of green belt land which makes Croft village a really lovely place to live.