Respondent name
David Booth
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

Croft is a small community of nearly 900 homes with limited facilities. It has a scanty and declining bus service. The site is 5km from Birchwood Station (Padgate is a similar distance, but has a poorer service) so even rail travel would generate traffic. Local roads are busy and almost all trips from / to Croft (OS1) are car based.

I feel this allocation of a minimum of 75 homes in a village with only nearly 900 homes is unsound because the site makes a major contribution to Green Belt purposes. The proposed allocation would neither increase housing choice nor support the vitality and viability of local services.

The access from a B road onto the site by Abbey Close and Deacons Close a small estate is totally not acceptable.

The village has a flood problems on a regular basis and this will only make it worse.

Modification if applicable

Removal of the proposed development in OS1 from the plan.