Respondent name
Gillian Avis
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

Instruction from UK government is to use brown belt land before greenbelt is taken. This plan aims to take greenbelt when brown belt is widely available in the borough. The plan looks to largely increase the housing and population of Warrington which brings risk by default of higher volumes of traffic which is already over bearing the road infrastructure and surrounding areas, this in itself loads stress and ill health to Residents, travellers/ commuters and local workers. Carbon footprint will Increase from emissions of home energy and vehicles, waste and increase of basic services. Sustainability is not achievable, more agricultural land lost means more food stuffs brought from abroad, more haulage on roads and more volumes of co2 pumped into the town. Warrington farmers could well produce foodstuffs to be more sustainable, so why give that up for housing and warehousing that counts towards poisoning the air quality and watercourses. Climate change needs to be taken more seriously in the town. Biodiversity and eco systems are going to be heavily impacted from loss of habitat, countryside will vanish as well as loss of rural aspects that provides natural and safe environments for families and animal owners to enjoy nature and a good quality of life. Once it?s gone it?s gone, we should not act in haste to lose all of these qualities for Warrington for the sake of the UK online buying habits, this is a trend not a permanent lifestyle and when it changes, lots of empty buildings will scar then our landscape all for nothing.
Already there are issues getting medical attention, recently the ambulance services cannot reach south warrington for up to 8 hours, doctor appointments 2 hour wait to connect to surgery, waiting for medical attention costs lives and unnecessary suffering for Residents and their families. Already there is no infrastructure to provide current Residents with health and social care. How can this be sound if existing services fail to support. Mental health for Residents of this town is sure to be negatively impacted from what is lost and what is exchanged from current way of life in Warrington, think about why people chose to live here in the first place, taking away quality of live and replacing with misery and Ill health is reckless and not reflective of a UK model lifestyle.

Modification if applicable

Use brown belt land and factor in the infrastructure needed for a lesser increased population. Promote farming and lead the way as Warrington provides foodstuffs not only to itself but surrounding town, this promotes sustainability and lessens dependence on other countries to feed us. Warrington has the ability to build energy generating sites that again, could offer self sustaining infrastructure and provide good well paid jobs. The country is in great need for recycling but there are not enough recycling plants, Warrington could be leaders in providing eg, much sought after recycled plastics, so why not invest and promote in programmes like this instead of housing and warehousing. Industry is needed in the town, promote it and people will work and live well in Warrington.