Respondent name
Margaret A Taylor
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

The proposed development of Thelwall Heys is unsound on the grounds that:
* it offers top quality agricultural land which, with global warming and regional/national food security being important, should be protected
* access to the site cannot sustain the volume of traffic that 310 houses would generate which in turn would affect road safety and air quality
* increased hard standing would increase flooding already experienced on the Transpennine Trail which is an important national cycle route and recreational breathing space for walkers of all ages
* Pickerings Bridge, the Bridgewater Canal and Thelwall Heys are important heritage assets that would be diminished by the development plans for the area and no amount of screening would compensate

Modification if applicable

Thelwall Heys should be returned to Greenbelt status on the grounds that it is of Special Landscape Character and following COP26 we should acknowledge the social and ecological case for maintaining precious agricultural land to sustain life

Paragraph/policy sub

MD5 parts 4,5 6