Respondent name
Steve Parkinson
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

The current green belt is a vital part of the landscape and character of the local Croft environment.

Using the Croft site will result in the irreversible change to the lifestyles of the Residents. Many of whom
have chosen Croft specifically for it's current nature.

It will not be possible for the majority to recapture this anywhere else given their age and

A major settlement extension in Croft would effectively result in the creation of a new outlying

Modification if applicable

Remove / significantly reduce (by at least 50%) Policy OS1

Paragraph/policy sub

W2 5.1.1 , 5.1.4, 5.1.8, and the green belt policy in general.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

It is clear the new development will NOT provide the extra space and facilities to meet the objective. Partly due to lack of detail (your responsibility is to prove it) and partly due to minimum amount of 75 new houses. This will not be achievable in the current footprint.

Modification if applicable

The document is not even numbered correctly as there are duplicate 10.6 sections. You have done a really bad cut and paste job on the original document from 2019. You need to start again for this to be legally compliant.

Paragraph/policy sub

Part 8

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

There is no detail on how extra capacity will be achieved. There is already an over subscription to Croft schools. This does not meet the basic legal requirement to be compliant.

Paragraph/policy sub

Part 6

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

The turn from Mustard Lane into Abbey Close is already a dangerous endeavour due to lack of visibility
of oncoming traffic. Increasing standing traffic here will inevitably increase collisions and fatalities due
to speed of traffic coming from Culcheth.

Additional foot traffic from any new houses on the Heathcroft Stud Farm development will use the
Deacons Close exit onto Mustard Lane to get to the bus stop and school. This will adversely affect the
quality of life for the Residents in what is currently a fairly quiet thoroughfare of closely coupled

The covenants on the estate disallow the erection of fences as it is meant to be an open space. This
means heavy foot traffic will be very noticeable by the Residents. It is also possible for foot traffic to see
directly into many of the current estates living rooms. This means the Residents will have to live behind
curtains, curtailing their current rights to privacy.

Also, damage to Residents cars will be more likely as there are no gates and already constrained
parking spaces.

The traffic to travel out of Croft during rush hours is already very heavy and dictates that journeys are
pre-planned. This will be exacerbated to a life threatening level of delay as no ambulance service will
be able to reach Croft Residents within acceptable timescales. This will happen on day one of the

There is also the need to allow for more difficult journeys between Croft and Culcheth created due to
the plan for HS2 forcing traffic onto one road at the linear park development.
The primary school is currently at capacity with no expansion potential.
There are no GP Practices physically located within the Croft settlement area.
Dental services are practically non-existent in Northern Warrington.
No convenience stores, hairdressers or newsagents are available, increasing vehicle traffic.
A major settlement extension in Croft would effectively result in the creation of a new outlying

Modification if applicable

Remove policy OS1 (or reduce by at least 75%).

Paragraph/policy sub

Part 14

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

Additional foot traffic from any new houses on the Heathcroft Stud Farm development will use the
immediate Deacons Close exit onto Mustard Lane to get to the bus stop and school. This will
adversely affect the quality of life for the Residents in what is currently a fairly quiet thoroughfare of
closely coupled residences.
The covenants on the estate disallow the erection of fences as it is meant to be an open space. This
means heavy foot traffic will be very noticeable by the Residents. It is also possible for foot traffic to see
directly into many of the current estates living rooms. This means the Residents will have to live behind
curtains, curtailing their current rights to privacy.
Also, damage to Residents cars will be more likely as there are no gates and already constrained
parking spaces.
i.e. affecting the quality of existing Residents lives adversely.

Modification if applicable

Remove / reduce Policy OS1.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

The traffic to travel out of Croft during rush hours is already very heavy and dictates that journeys are
This will be exacerbated to a life threatening level of delay as no ambulance service will be able to
reach Croft
Residents within acceptable timescales. This will happen on day one of the development.
There is also the need to allow for more difficult journeys between Croft and Culcheth created due to
the plan for HS2 forcing traffic onto one road at the linear park development.

Modification if applicable

Document needs to be more precise / accurate. Remove / reduce policy OS1.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

The current flood risk and water management is not compliant. Further housing will simply exacerbate this.

Modification if applicable

Remove policy OS1.

Paragraph/policy sub

W6 9.2

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

The primary school is currently at capacity with no expansion potential.
There are no GP Practices physically located within the Croft settlement area.
Dental services are practically non-existent in Northern Warrington.
No convenience stores, hairdressers or newsagents are available.
All above will mean an increase in vehicle traffic.
The traffic to travel out of Croft during rush hours is already very heavy and dictates that journeys are
pre-planned. This will be exacerbated to a life threatening level of delay as no ambulance service will
be able to reach Croft Residents within acceptable timescales. This will happen on day one of the
There is also the need to allow for more difficult journeys between Croft and Culcheth created due to
the plan for HS2 forcing traffic onto one road at the linear park development.

Modification if applicable

Renumber the plan correctly. Remove policy OS1.