Respondent name
James Sullivan
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

Legal objections:
Paragraph 2.9 in the WBC Statement of Community Involvement states that:

2.9 The Council will give notice of the intention to commence work on the preparation of an
update to its Local Plan or a more detailed Local Plan document as soon as it is clear as to its
scope, purpose and timetable. At this point the Council will also invite consultees to make
representations about the proposed content of the Local Plan Document. This will be done by
direct notification of all consultees listed in the Statement of Community Involvement.
The Rule 6 Party spent over 12 months alongside the WBC representatives at the Peel Hall
planning inquiry and yet there was absolutely no attempt by WBC to involve the Rule 6 Party as a
consultee in the period before the revised local plan was released for public scrutiny.

Paragraph 1.19 in the Statement of Community Involvement states that:
1.19 The Localism Act introduced new powers to allow local communities to prepare
'Neighbourhood plans' and ?Neighbourhood development orders? to guide the future
development of their areas. In the ?parished? parts of Warrington, this responsibility rests with
the Parish or Town Council. In ?un-parished? areas a Neighbourhood Forum needs to be
established and approved by the Council to undertake Neighbourhood planning.
None of these actions have ever taken place with respect to the areas where the individual
members of the Rule 6 Party currently reside.

The soundness of the proposed development at Peel Hall is opposed by the Rule 6 party on multiple grounds. Members submitted representations concerning Transport, Air Quality, Noise, Hydrology, Climate Change and Ecology. Details of each of these submissions is attached through an upload link as agreed with Michael Bell, Planning Policy and Programmes Manager at Warrington Borough Council.

If Peel Hall remains in the Local Plan following this consultation process then we formally request that all of this material is made available to the inspector.

Modification if applicable

Peel Hall should be removed form the Local Plan. It is objected to by an overwhelming majority of local people, principally because we can see that the plan is not achievable without damaging local communities.

Summary of comments

We have uploaded here only a brief letter. The substantive part of our submission is has been emailed directly to with the title Peel Hall Rule 6 party submission to Local Plan consultation

Paragraph/policy sub