Respondent name
Barry Dawson
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

There are a number of reasons why this development is not appropriate for the site.
1. The development is proposing to use Green Belt land, therefore it is illegal to build at such a place. The land should not be released from its designation as it's a haven for wildlife, including badgers, bats, newts and a wide range of birds. The land is home to mature trees and a stream to the west of the site that should be preserved and enhanced to protect what is already an established wildlife area. Albeit there has been recent attempts to disturb the wildlife.
2. Rushgreen Road is already unsuitable for the volume and size of traffic. The new development is excessive and will increase the volume of traffic significantly. The road is very narrow in places, particularly around the planned development. At the junction near Fletchers Lane traffic regularly mounts the pavement when a large vehicle, bus or lorry is passing. And this is an area that only has a single, narrow pavement. Therefore it increases the likelihood of accident or injury. No investment in a new road or footpath is included in any of this development at the Rushgreen Road site.
3. With the increase in vehicles it will also increase the pollution in the area as the new development will attract many more motor vehicles to the area. With Lymm having a limited public transport infrastructure ie limited buses, no tram or train station close by then it will have a negative impact on the environment without additional transport infrastructure. Again this seems to be completely missing from the Local Plan for Lymm.
4. The development, creating further urban sprawl, is not in keeping with the village. The loss of green belt being replaced with high density housing is out of character for Lymm. It is unduly prominent, alien and
an incongruous feature which will be harmful to the visual amenity of the area.
5. As well as disturbing existing wildlife, the development to the west of the Rushgreen site will create a serious flood risk. There is a natural stream that runs to the edge of the land near Fletchers Lane and it has been noted by WBC that it is policy to discourage development in such areas and interfering with existing watercourses(i.e. culverting of watercourses). Again, no mention of protecting such an area has been included in the Local Plan.
This is the wrong type of development in the wrong place. It does not justify the release of Green Belt Land and therefore should be declined.

Modification if applicable

In summary the land should firmly remain as Green Belt with the existing wildlife protected from further development. The infrastructure and transport proposals do not support such an extensive development. The plan should be withdrawn completely. (please refer to section 4 answer for further detail).

Paragraph/policy sub

10.10 - in reference to the additional development at Rushgreen Road in Lymm