Respondent name
Professor Jamie Burton
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Oral Examination
Modification if applicable

Recalculate housing need based on more up to date data. The plan seems to be based on an over-estimation.
Consider the impact of green-belt loss at a local level (Statham) rather than at the aggregate level (Lymm) as this provides a much more accurate picture of the negative impact of loss of amenity.
Use brownfield sites instead of green-belt
Consider closing Whitbarrow road at Whitbarrow farm and pedestrianizing it: it is already overwhelmed and extremely dangerous at this point and will be considerably worse once the developments on the Lymm hotel site become operational. Consider alternative routes via Star Lane and/or creating a new link from the proposed development (if it goes ahead in reduced form) to Camsley Lane. At a minimum restrict the width of vehicles to improve safety.
Lymm and Statham travel infrastructure is largely West to East. Consider how improvements might be made to north-to-south routes in order to reduce the huge pressure on key roads including Rushgreen road, Eagle Brow, Higher Lane and lesser roads such as Whitbarrow road.