Respondent name
P Burton
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

It would appear that WBC are using the argument that ?the borough wants to build houses on the green belt for those additional Residents who are needed to fulfil the additional employment roles that economic growth will create? and elsewhere the argument is made that ?additional employment needs to be created through economic growth to provide work for Residents attracted to the new houses built in the green belt?. That argument makes no sense and is not an exceptional reason for building on the green belt. It?s like saying that, in a town with 20,000 Residents and employment to support these Residents, for no good reason we would like to double the town to 40,000 Residents and double the employment to support the new Residents! The approach is unnecessary and not exactly carbon neutral. There are no exceptional circumstances for building in the green belt. I don?t see why is it a problem if Warrington misses out on employment opportunities to adjacent conurbations as long as we have employment to support our current Residents. Surely it is better to maintain our green belt at all costs. If any changes are to be made to the green belt, it would be better to plant additional trees creating new woods/forests to help defeat global warming. It is stated by WBC that Warrington is already the biggest conurbation in Cheshire and has twice the Residents of Chester, so it cannot be essential to build on the green belt to make Warrington even bigger still. Our borough is already much more densely populated than ?Cheshire West and Chester? and ?Cheshire East?, there are no exceptional circumstances to make it even more densely populated by building in the green belt. WBC mention that the revised plan only releases 5% of the borough?s existing green belt to be concreted over, but for those of us who chose to live in the Appleton area because of its green belt, we are faced with losing something like 75% of the green belt in our parish. This will have a devastating effect and make the area less attractive to live in for the talented business leaders and entrepreneurs that ensure Warrington?s businesses are robust and successful. A sound approach for the 21st century is to put the environment first and not release anymore of Warrington?s green belt for non essential growth.

Modification if applicable

My suggestion would be not to build on the green belt in the proposed Warrington SE Urban Extension area. If Warrington has more adults seeking employment than the employment opportunities in the borough then develop the ?ugly? Fiddlers Ferry site with new employment opportunities. If however, Warrington has more employment opportunities than adults seeking employment then develop the Fiddlers Ferry site with new houses. Don't attempt to grow Warrington?s economy at a time of global warming crisis by replacing the green belt in Appleton with concrete and bricks. Maintain the green belt and support the environment.