Respondent name
Mr John S Key
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

The plan is not sound because it does not explain the effect of the development on local infrastructure and does not state how this is to be managed. There is no detail of any infrastructure improvement except for vague aspirations.
The plan is also not sound because it destroys Green Belt land in the very place where green space is needed and it creates urban sprawl.

Modification if applicable

Detail what infrastructure improvements to the roads, schools and health care and show how these will prevent overloading of existing services.
Indicate on the plan new open recreational space needed to accommodate new residence. This must be new open space, not existing open space that you do not own.

Summary of comments

The scale of the development is oppressive. It takes away virtually all of the Green Belt land. Green belt was created to help stop urban sprawl, preserve the character of existing settlements and encourage development within existing built-up areas. This Plan goes against this. There are no detailed proposals to improve the road infrastructure. As it is Residents rely on Victorian bridges to cross the Bridgewater and Manchester Ship Canals. Existiing roads (Stockton Lane/London Road/Lum Brook Road) are already congested and cannot be increased in capacity. The existing infrastructure/services (schools/shop/GP's) are at capacity as it is and cannot accommodate any additional needs.