Respondent name
Alan Yarwood
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

in 1996 I joined a group of 200 Residents who formed an action group to save Thelwall Heyes. Eventually in 2006 we obtained green belt status for Thelwall Heyes. Now you say it has to be built on because there are not enough brown field sites. This is rubbish there are loads of brown field sites in Warrington. In addition to this there has been too much building already in this area. There is a massive housing development across the locks and building is still going on. There are 3 huge blocks of flats on Station Road. A massive development on-going in Grappenhall, to mention just a few. In addition to all this it is practically impossible to get a doctor's appointment in this area and are children are finding it difficult to get into local schools. The whole thing is a joke and I object whole heartedly to what you are trying to do to the place we live and love.

Modification if applicable

Do not build on Thelwall Heyes