Respondent name
Phil Jones
Respondent Type
Local Borough, Town or Parish Councillor
Policy Name/Part of plan
Paragraph/policy sub
Parts 29-33
Respondent Type
Local Borough, Town or Parish Councillor
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments
Supports habitat and ecological survey work for the assessment of impacts on the Mersey Estuary SPA and welcomes the additional green space for the area. Supports the recognition that the development should not adversely impact on the SPA. Suggests that Green Space should be provided within the development.
Paragraph/policy sub
para 10.3.23
Respondent Type
Local Borough, Town or Parish Councillor
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments
Evidence required to show that there should be no adverse impact from development on the Mersey Estuary.
Paragraph/policy sub
Para 10.3.24
The development of 1300 homes will increase traffic and transport measures proposed are insufficient to deal with traffic and transport issues. The infrastructure for the Fiddlers Ferry has not been adequately addressed.