Respondent name
Margaret Steen
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Legally Compliant
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

The Council repeatedly fail to implement approved Planning Policies. The plan cannot be sound if the Council continually fail to adhere to policies agreed in the approved local plan. Residents concerns are ignored and the Council Officers fail to offer any substantive reasons for not implementing approved Planning Policies in many planning applications.

The 2014 Core Strategy was approved on the premise that NO changes to the greenbelt were included in the Plan. The Planning Inspector approved the 2014 Local Plan on information supplied to him by Warrington Borough Council. The green belt was amended by the Council and Winwick Farm lost the greenbelt status without consultation of either the general public or the Planning Inspector.

Public bodies should not be misleading Planning Inspectors, or the general public.

The proposed Warrington Local Plan is not sound, for reasons that the Council Officers do not follow the approved plans.

Modification if applicable

Planning Policies should be implemented as written in the the approved Local Plan. Planning policies should not be ammended or excluded from any planning application. All relevant policies should be applied, and be seen to be applied.