Respondent name
Mr Osborne
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

Policy MD2 requires clarification as to islands of land within the allocation.

Modification if applicable

Clarification should be added to Policy MD2 or the explanatory text to clarify the 'islands' within the SEWUE are to be removed from the Green Belt but do not form part of the SEWUE allocation and are instead part of the main urban area of Warrington.

Summary of comments

Broadly supports Policy MD2 and agrees that there is a significant need for additional highquality housing in the Borough. This strategic allocation would go a considerable way to addressing future housing needs. Within the draft proposal map, there are numerous ?islands? shown within the SEWUE area. As these islands would no longer perform any Green Belt function, this would appear to logically suggest that these areas of existing development, currently within the SEWUE boundary, will be removed from the Green Belt and fall within the urban area of Warrington. It is also assumed that these areas will be excluded from the policy requirements to be imposed via Policy MD2. For example, development proposals within any of these islands will not be expected to incur development contribution costs to fund the significant infrastructure requirements needed as part of the SEWUE.