Respondent name
Jean Yates
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

We already have a parking problem in Culcheth, with the addition of a possible minimum 400 cars or 480 if minimum housing density is applied (most family homes have minimum 2 cars) this can only be exacerbated.
At the moment the children have a lovely green space to look out onto. Building will add to a poorer sense of wellbeing and add to and trap pollution, having an impact on health especially the school children - cars idling whilst trying to get out onto Holcroft Lane /Warrington Road.
As a Resident of Holcroft Lane for 40 years am I to be forced to move when unable to walk or cycle as you suggest for the good of my health being unable to park to shop or visit the doctors.